Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Yoga Flow Plus.

Class: Yoga Flow Plus
Date: October 27, 2010
Time & Location: 7am at Yoga Nine

I woke up before the sun today, ready to head over to Yoga Nine for my 7am class. I scarfed down a microwavable breakfast I bought yesterday just for this morning. It was pretty sufficient. I arrived at the yoga studio about five minutes before class was supposed to start. In truth, I feel a little out of place because all the students are older than me and they already know each other. I normally just keep to myself, and perform the rituals that I've adapted after only going there once before. I walked in, took off my shoes and put them in a storage square, along with my purse. Then I took off my jacket and did the same with that. Then I walked into the room and laid down my mat farther to the back of the room. I spent a little more time observing the room itself today because Laurie was in the shop screaming about a spider that she left under a cup, urging one of her friends to kill it for her. Ha ha. There are two photos on the wall. One is of a sitting elephant, and the other one is off a yogi performing a posture. She has more props than I remember being in there previously, ranging from cushions, to mats and blocks.
We started off class laying down and focused on our breath mostly. We did this for a good amount of time because all I remember thinking was how relaxed I felt at that moment. We went through class like I remember from last time, and I think I'm making a small step of progress. I'm flowing through class easier, not having to look up at Laurie constantly. I'm starting to understand the warrior poses more when it comes to how to position my thighs. I was sweating a considerable amount by the time the class was half way through. What I find most remarkable about the class are the abilities that some of the older men possess. These are middle aged men, all in pretty good shape. They're really flexible, at least more than I am currently, and they have excellent balance. I'd expect it from the women in the class, but not really from the men for some reason. A new thing we did in class were handstands. We started off walking our one leg up the wall and then having the other one meet it at the top. Then we had to push off the wall and hold the pose in the air. I actually tried it, but was too scared to actually push off the wall. Perhaps that will be my next challenge to myself.I'm really starting to understand the importance of breathing. It seems like when I stop focusing on my breath, my postures fall apart. All in all, it was a great way to start off my day.

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